Mgła, upadek, wartość
Haar, fall, worth
Po drugiej stronie mej duszy
L'autre rive de mon âme
The Other Shore of My Soul

Our souls are light, our souls are love, are God, our souls are Universe. And we are asleep, living in a fantasy of wishing, longing, desire, lust and greed. Beauty, compassion, joy and love shine through the veil of our dreams. These glimmers of light make us look for a way to move beyond the possessiveness, despair and doubts of the dream.

Once we see through the veil, then we step onto the boat to reach the other shore and leap into the unknown. The unknown of your mind, where your heart belonged all along.

Za siedmioma wzburzonymi morzami
Behind the roaring seven seas
✦ Faith Intermission 1
Upajając się promieniami wczorajszego słońca
Bain dans le soleil d'une fin d'apres-midi passée
Basking in the sunshine of a bygone afternoon

It was an unseasonably warm and bright afternoon in January as I found myself walking by the shore of a remote cove in Wales. Waves crashing on the rocks reverberated in my soul with the experience only open seas can give.

Timeless, primal fury of the ocean brought serenity and a sense of belonging.

I stood there for a while, basking in the sunshine of that glorious afternoon, talking to the stones about the days long gone.

Podróżujemy w przestrzeni, by znaleźć takie widoki
Nous voyageons dans l'espace pour trouver des vues comme celles-ci
We travel through space to find sights like this
Koniec męczarni, niech dzieje się. Sam wśród ciemności, wolny by być, wolny by żyć.
I'm not tormented, I let it go. Lone in the shadows, now free to breathe, now free to live.
Opowieść o olbrzymach, czarach i doskonałej szklanicy
A tale of giants, magic and a lovely pint
Spośród wieczornych mgieł przybyłem
Out of the evening mists I have come

This photograph was taken when the sun briefly broke through dark, thick clouds on a stern January afternoon. Near-zero degree temperature and punishing, steady, sixty kilometres per hour wind ensured the beach was nearly deserted.

Despite warm clothes, I was occasionally shaking. Yet, I felt happy, at peace, in an almost trance state of unity with nature, feeling blessed to be there.

This artwork expresses that uplifting, glorious feeling of belonging. It tells of the racing sea lighting my soul with a warm amber glow.

Teoria snów Senoi
Senoi Dream Theory
In meditation on the raw force of nature.
The world becomes us as we accept the divinity in all.